We've Moved!

After seven years of blogging over at copticdadandmom.blogspot.com, we finally took the plunge and have migrated to a self-hosted site!I (Coptic Laura) am so very excited and overwhelmed and anxious! I really need all your prayers. I want to serve you to the best of my abilities and with any and all gifts with which God has entrusted me.The patron saint of this project is Pope Kyrillos VI. For my whole life, this patriarch's intercessions have protected me and given me courage. Please pray for me and ask him to do the same.And if you're not Coptic, and you're wondering who this man is and why he looks so serious, well, that's because he's FIERCE and a force be reckoned with--as men of God and, especially, men of prayer tend to be.Pope-Kyrillos-VI

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God Is Calling


Welcome to the NEW Coptic Dad & Mom!