Saturday Reading Round-Up: Parenting Edition

The theme of this week's Saturday Reading Round-Up is parenting. There is so much good stuff out there to help parents be generally wonderful :)!

20 Pillow Talk Questions for You and Your Child
Add a Q&A to the daily bedtime routine--instant gratification. Kids have the most amazing minds and come up with the most thoughtful responses. What a way to get into their little heads and see the world through their perspective!

Manners Can Be Taught: How to Civilize Toddlers, Tweens, and Teens
I appreciate lists like this because believe it or not manners are not universal. What's polite in India may not be polite in Japan. As an immigrant to the States, I'm always trying to decipher American "manners" which--believe it or not, Americans--are not as obvious and globally accepted as you pretend.

Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child
This was me. Poor mama and baba... This is definitely my daughter. My mother-in-law (a saint who raised three saints) says that you know you've got intelligent children when they've got hard heads.

Your Kids: Responsible or Spoiled?
I don't 100% agree with all that's said here, but I do think about responsibility vs. spoiling in every decision I make for my child. I'm always trying to figure out where the line is and how to keep her happy and fulfilled and at peace and also perfectly mannered and incredibly kind and helpful.

What about you? Do you have any sites you go to for parenting advice or support?


I Plead Innocent! Don't Kill Me!


The Silent Treatment