I Plead Innocent! Don't Kill Me!

Undoubtedly, some of you thought I was exaggerating when I wrote about how anything I write could be an excuse to kill me. I'm certain many of you thought, "Where does she think she lives? A third world country?"

I may live in the best country on earth (apologies to Canada), but I do often visit a third world country. And if I happen to be even vaguely unconnected to some controversial film, I may have to fear for my life and not be able to visit my own country (again despite the fact that I had nothing to do with said film). Yes, you read that correctly.

Read and weep.

P.S. I have met and spoken to this bishop face to face, and he is an angel of peace.

P.P.S. As I hit "publish," I wonder again... will this rather undefined post lead to my demise? I can't help but wonder and wonder and second guess.  BUT God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Titus 1:7)


A Shepherd to Lead Them All


Saturday Reading Round-Up: Parenting Edition