Heeeeeere's Happy!

It's been a while since I updated this blog. To be honest, it was getting kind of depressing. Looking back at recent posts, it had become clear that, in my efforts to find "tasoni," I had lost myself.

It has not been my habit in life to wait for someone else to make me happy. For months now, I have been hoping that happy would just come knocking at my door, that God would send down a package tied with ribbon, attached to a balloon and card reading "happy." I have never waited for God to send me joy. My firm belief has always been that joy is there already, that He has already sent it. A person must choose to see it, to pick it up, to claim finders keepers. I don't know if it was winter blues or holiday/post-holiday stress, but somehow, for a good long while there, I completely forgot this fact. 

So here I am. Choosing to do what makes me happy. Not in a selfish, self-centered sort of way, but in the firm belief that "when momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" and that "you can't feed others unless you are full." I like to make the people around me happy. I can't do that when I am moping around.

No more mopey Tasoni. It's February, the best month of the year, and I am going to make it fantabulous. And March too while I am at it! Watch out, world!


Coolest Tasoni (II)


Missing Father