Yalla Dating

Coptic Speed Dating Event
Yalla, find your habibi

Meet Coptic singles in a quick-moving,
low pressure virtual event.

currently on hiatus


Note: This is a virtual event. Please bring your own beverage :)



- Who is this event designed for?

This event is designed for English-speaking Coptic Orthodox Christian singles in the U.S. and Canada

- How will it work?

Using a special video conference platform, we will gather together for welcome and instructions, then break out into pairs for approximately 5 min. each. We’ll come together again at the end for a wrap-up session.

- What tech do I need on my end?

We’ve found the session works best on a PC. You’ll need a working webcam and microphone, in a quiet location.

- How many people will be included?

While numbers depend largely on requests to join, we’re aiming for about 10 pairs (20 total people) for each event.

- When will the event take place?

The event will take place on a weekday evening in January 2023.

- Is this event limited to a particular country or region?

For the (first, God willing) event, we’ll focus on the U.S. and Canada. If we get interest from other regions/nations, we may look into hosting events focused there, as well.