Sunday School: Make It Delightful

At our church, as in Coptic churches across the globe, this Sunday (the Feast of Nayrouz) marks the beginning of a new Sunday School year.If your system is like ours, the kids move from room to room, from servant to servant, and the servants stay put. We become masters of the grade(s) we teach.Believe it or not: YOU--second only to the Holy Spirit--have the most influence on how kids perceive Sunday School and what they get out of the experience. And YOU have everything you need to make Sunday School delightful!Six months of Sunday School is about .6% (yes, the decimal goes there) of a child's life. And I want you to know that YOU can play a critical part in that child's salvation in the year that they are in your class. That's a lot of reward for about 25 Sundays worth of work.Do you love God? Or do you find Him boring?Is prayer boring? Is theology boring? Is scripture boring?According to Fr. David Smith, boredom is "the feeling you get when you think you're trapped... when you decide your time is being wasted."If the kids are bored in your class, that means they feel you are wasting their time. Here's comes the tough question: Are you?Are you wasting their time?Are your lessons lifeless? Devoid of wonder or awe or joy? Are you still talking at the kids instead of talking with them?When God wants to reveal Himself to us, He does it with the beauty of a rainbow, the wonder of the ocean, the twinkle of the stars. He shakes the heaven with His thunder and soaks the grass with His dew.Make your lessons reflect the immense and overwhelming love of God. You CAN make Sunday School delightful.So drop the excuses. Stop blaming the children or the parents or the other servants. Do the work. Get to know the kids--for real. Shower them with Christ's love. Make God's word sweeter than the sweetest dessert. And sneak the vegetables in. You'll be surprised how eagerly the kids will take on the "boring" stuff when they know you love them and are on their side.And if you want weekly tips on how to do that, sign up at CAN do it. You CAN think outside the box. You CAN change the tone in your room. You CAN eliminate boredom. You are ABLE. You are POWERFUL. You have God's BLESSING.And all of us are cheering you on. All of us have your back.And the kids need you.

My book Becoming Tasoni is now available in both print and e-book editions. Pick up a copy today!


Levi Rizk's 100 Day Journey Begins!!


For Parents and Servants ONLY