27 - Homeschool for Copts

A special guest comes to Raising Up Copts! Sherry Ibrahim has been homeschooling her three boys for four years now. She joins us to tell us what made helped her and her husband make that decision for their family and tips for families considering homeschooling their own kids.

This week, we are discussing HOMESCHOOLING!  We all hear that word get a specific set of feelings.  Maybe you imagine people who are holed up in their house, maybe on a farm, maybe a ton of kids…

We have come to realize most of us don’t REALLY know what exactly goes into homeschooling, especially as Copts.

We’ve invited the wonderful and amazing Sherry Ibrahim, wife of Fr. Maurice from Orlando, FL,  here to dispel the myths, shed some light, teach us from her experience. We’re especially excited to hear from her since Madona started homeschooling this fall!

Here are some of the questions we discuss:

  1. What called you to homeschool? Did something trigger it?

  2. Is it important to have your spouse on board for it? Any special tips for making it work?

  3. What are the best parts of homeschooling? How has homeschooling helped your family--been beneficial?

  4. What are the challenges and how do you deal with them?

  5. Tell us about your day… what does it look like?

  6. What would you want someone who is thinking about homeschooling to know?


28 - Fasting for Liturgy


26 - What Teachers Want Students to Know