Clap Along

"When you eat the labor of your hands,
You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you."
Psalm 128:2

I'm not posting often because I'm happy. Whaaat? I hear you wail. I know, I know. It's counter-intuitive, but it's true. I'm too busy trying to foster real relationships and laughing and chasing my kids to be posting often.

In the past year and a half as Tasoni, I have learned so much and gone through so much. I should really write a post called "Ten Reasons Not to Be Tasoni," followed by another called "Ten Reasons to Become Tasoni." The lows were so low, and the highs never lasted as long as I hoped. Some of that was about being tasoni, some was just pregnancy blues, some of it was just plain boredom. I am only just now fully embracing my role.

Now I am onto a new project, trying to really throw myself into it. And I am reminding myself that I like to write, that I like to blog, and that it's not fair to limit myself to my most desperate times to write. You should be allowed to hear about what makes me happy, too!

See you more often, God willing.


The Two Most Magical Words in a Middle Eastern Parent's Vocabulary


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