Toddler Life

It's very hard to write with a toddler. It's very hard to think with a toddler. Truly, it's very hard to do any normal human activity with a toddler.

Except snuggling. Snuggling with a toddler is pretty epic. My son's arms are soft and chunky little things that wrap around my neck so tightly. And when he smiles at me... Sigh. Don't get me started.

Then there's laughing. Laughing with a toddler is pretty epic. My son has this incredible deep belly laugh. My daughter and I adore him for it.

Yesterday I tried to copy him. I tried to laugh from deep within my belly and realized I couldn't remember the last time I had done that. When did I get so serious?

Being an adult is a huge waste of time. Being a toddler. Snuggling and laughing. That's where it's at.


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