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I want to thank all of you who took my survey. I was BLOWN AWAY by the number of responses I received, and I have learned SO MUCH. It is a very big deal for me that you took the time to do that. I have been writing here at Coptic Dad and Mom since early 2009, and I can't believe it took me this long to work up the courage to hear from you like this.

We're mostly women here, though some men did take my survey. We aren't all Coptic Orthodox--or even Christians--and we aren't all clergy wives--or even married. Yet we are deeply connected.

I remember vividly all the dark times I survived by writing here, and I am so happy to be on the other side of those days now. All of your encouragement and love have made a world of difference to me. When you're out in the storm and you hear the voices of loving people--no matter how faint over the crash of the waves--it gives you strength to hold on and to move forward. I feel so blessed that you have been there for me, praying for me, and I am paying it forward both through face-to-face interactions here in my world and through future posts in the online world. I'm really very grateful.

I am working through why I write and trying to understand for whom I write. I want to serve wholeheartedly, the way Christ loves, and the way you all have been there for me. I yearn to serve you better, to encourage you better, and to improve myself as a writer, as a servant, as a child of God, by listening intently to you.

If you would like to contact me directly, e-mail me at bloggingtasoni AT If you would like to join my e-mail list, you can do so here: Coptic Dad & Mom E-mail List.The first e-mail includes the behind the scenes stats from my survey!! (Don't worry--none of the personal writing will be shared in that way).

Get ready for changes--but I won't take away the one thing you all told me you valued most--my raw honesty. I will work to be me in everything I write, so you know exactly who you're hearing from.

P.S. You asked for video in a BIG way, and WOW that is scary. I am trying to work through the fear and figure video out... but WOW that's scary :D!!

P.P.S. I tried to find a picture that captured all of me. I'm also a professional photographer, so I had to fight the urge to "fix" myself in Photoshop. This is me. My trademark smile, my goofy self, the twinkle in my eye, the hair that just. won't. For some of you, this is your first time seeing me. For those of you who know me, what do you think? Accurate representation of moi?


How to Be More Loving to Unloving People


You Will Die (So Will I)