Are Your Sunday School Kids Driving You Crazy?

[soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]Andrew and Simon are two ninth grade boys who cause a lot of trouble in Sunday school.Andrew is crazy-over-the-top eager. He'll talk to his classmates, he'll talk to the servants in the middle of a sentence they're trying to get out, he'll talk to himself if he has to. He's up for anything. He volunteers for everything. He's hanging on every word. He's hungry for attention, hungry to make his mark. He follows his servants around with enthusiasm even after the lesson. After liturgy and 60 min. of kid time, the servants are ready for adult time. But so is Andrew!Simon is always grouchy, openly bored in Sunday school half the time. The other half he asks a lot of questions. Pointed questions. The questions the servants are embarrassed to say they aren't sure the answer to. He'll interrupt the lesson to stick a sarcastic rephrasing in. He'll rile his classmates up with his jokes. The servants always feel disrespected by him. No one can focus on the lesson. On most days, he has to be dragged from the courtyard to come in for the lesson. And once he's there, the servants question their sanity at inviting him in.As high school progresses, Andrew's joyful attitude keeps him connected to the others.Simon just stops showing up (or tries to).I want to ask you: Which one of these two children grows up to truly love God and worship Him with all his heart?

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WAIT! LOL. It's a trick question.WHO KNOWWWWWWS????? Only God knows!!!I have heard people refer to Simon as unteachable. Y'all I've even done it myself.But that is a BIG mistake. That is judging a child before they even reach maturity.That is shirking your responsibility as a servant of GOD.That kid in your Sunday school class who's causing trouble. You can't pretend to know his or her heart. So don't. Just serve the Lord wholeheartedly. Show that kid love with every means at your disposal. That's it. That's all you can do. That's all you're supposed to do.The sower in the parable spreads the seeds to ALL the soil. He doesn't make a decision ahead of time which soil is worthy of being planted.Your job is not to judge the soil. Your job is to spread the seeds. That's all.I have a lot to say, but I'll suffice with that for now.

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