Six Things Tantes Do...

That Make Them Indispensable

1. Stay up late or get up early to cook food for post-liturgical aghape.
2. Keep up with responses and hymns in church, speaking loud and clear, to help children and teens learn them. (Thank you, Tante S!).
3. Teach Sunday School.
4. Stay until everyone leaves to clean the church.
5. Be 100% honest with you about how you look today, for better or worse.
6. Zaghrat so you know the joy and blessings are official.

BTW the word is spelled tante. It's not spelled taunt. Tante is the French word for aunt. That's where we Copts get it. In Arabic, you've got a 3ama (dad's sister) and a khala (mom's sister).

Reason #7 Tantes rock? They correct your French, of course.


Vegan Lasagna


The Story of Mathai's Parents