Perform a Great Lent Check-Up

We're halfway through the fast of Great Lent, and so it's the perfect time to get check-up.Over the course of Lent, you should be becoming more consistent and faithful in the four aspects of your fast.Sometimes you need to check your work.You will be evaluating yourself in four areas:1. Prayer2. Fasting3. Love/Giving4. Personal GoalsRemember that you are comparing YOU to YOU. You should be climbing that ladder to Holy Week, working out your salvation, building that friendship with God every day. Remember that you have an enemy always seeking to knock you off the road by any means necessary. Guard your thoughts and actions.Great Lent Check-UpImportant Note! Don't get defensive as you answer these questions. If you feel yourself getting defensive, take a step back, take a deep breath, and check your ego at the door. It's about getting better and stronger. No one is judging you but you. Be kind to yourself, but be fair and honest as well. You can't get stronger if you can't take an honest look at your own journey.Really take a breath here. Close off the outside world. And ask yourself these questions. Write down the answers if that's helpful. Take action in order to see changes in your life.


Are your prayers longer? more consistent?Have you added metanoias?Are you spending quiet time with the Bible?Have you increased Liturgy/Vespers attendance?Have you scheduled a confession with your Abouna?


How is your fast going?Are you stepping up into new fasting challenges?Are you fasting more consistently--living up the guidelines you set for yourself at the beginning?Are you spending excessive time thinking about the "end"--the feasting of the feast?


Have you increased in love and charity?Are you gossiping less?Are you judging others less?Are you being more forgiving?Are you working on managing your temper?Are you finding ways to share the love of Christ?Are you finding ways to share the blessings of God by giving back more?


Are you achieving the personal goals you set for yourself at the start?Are you completing your additional spiritual reading?Are you decreasing your Netflix consumption as promised?Are you monitoring your social media or technology usage?Are you facing spiritual warfare? Is the devil angry about your fast or is he as complacent as you are?


What if you ask yourself these questions and find that you're right on track? Be careful! There's no resting on your laurels here! Even the monks at the top of the ladder are ever in danger of being tripped and dragged off. Stay the c course.What if you ask yourself these questions and find that you're behind or you've gone off-track? Thankfully, we have an incredible God whose mercies "are new every morning" (Lamentations 3:22). It's never too late to start again.Stand and pray now. Ask God to strengthen you and to guide you.Tomorrow morning stand and pray again, and ask the same.Set new goals. Set reminders in your phone to skip that cup of coffee in the morning and replace it with a prayer. Set a reminder to have a vegan lunch and read a chapter of the Bible over your salad or veggie burger. Use that device that's always in your hand to remind you of what you should be doing instead of distracting you from it.God bless the rest of your journey and give you strength for the road.

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