"Our New Roomie" Memos from the Postpartum Trenches

Having a new baby in the house is like having a very eager roommate take over all your spaces. There are toys and diapers and wipes and laundry everywhere. And now that I've started pumping, there are bottles and lids and funnels and pump parts everywhere. My husband thrives in a minimalist environment, and our bedroom has turned into grand central station of baby everything. Let's be real: we're both about to lose it. A place for everything, right? But what happens when you can't figure out if you have the space!

The only real solution for two sleep-deprived adults is handling the problem piecemeal. We literally tackle 2-3 items per energy burst. You'd think that would take forever (it does!), but it makes a huge difference for us. We each walk in the room and immediately notice that something is better. "Wow! What have you done to the room?!" Thank God for small miracles.


We now take a short recess...


"Damaged" Memos from the Postpartum Trenches