What Now? After the Orlando Shooting

I know exactly what will happen as a result of the largest mass shooting in the U.S. in the last 100 years.Absolutely nothing.

  • No new laws concerning the ownership and possession of guns will be passed.
  • There will be no new policies concerning mental health and the diagnosis and treatment of troubled individuals.
  • Churches will not be more open to gay visitors.
  • The march of the Islamic State will not be halted.

We will all go back unchanged, unmoved by the deaths of our fellow human beings, to our normal, everyday existence.It's so convenient to get all hyped up at breaking news.So convenient to put up status updates and blog posts. To share memes and videos.But who will rise and DO something?How many of us entered into our inner room, stood and prayed from the depths of our hearts after hearing this news?How many of us set goals and made concrete plans as a result of this event?How many of us took this gift--the gift of survival--and put it to holy use?Last Saturday night and each day since, you have been spared death.DO something.Change the script.(need an idea?)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1VZGUJ8GtY


Seek Me with All Your Heart


Little Children, It Is the Last Hour